At Swincar, we tend to think of winter as the run up to Christmas time!
As of late November we offer a range of festive favorites, including;
Potted Christmas Trees in a wide range of sizes.
Hand made Christmas wreaths.
Poinsettias, which are grown on site from young cuttings in July.
Home Grown Hyacinth bowls and arrangements.
Growing the Poinsettia's on site, ensures we do not need to transport them when the plants are most vulnerable. therefore they are at their best for you to take home.
A well grown poinsettia should last for weeks and sometimes months, and not just for Christmas! They favour a constant temperature, minimum 15 degrees away from direct heat, or draughts, and don’t like to be overwatered. We also grow a wide range of colours, not only the traditional red, but white, pink, and glitter.
In early September our Hyacinth bulbs are planted in individual pots and then buried under a peat blanket. They remain covered until the end of November, when in anticipation, we unearth them and allow them to green up, before selecting them carefully, to be transplanted into bowls and baskets for Christmas.
The hyacinths prefer a cooler environment for a longer flowering period.

Swincar Christmas Poinsettia's 2020 - almost ready for sale